Ending Mass Incarceration
Editorial Design & Illustration
The Multifaith Movement to End Mass Incarceration (EMI) began with U.S. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock, the Rev. Dr. Katherine Henderson and Rabbi Peter Berg sharing a vision to see faith communities collectively organize to stop the human rights catastrophe of mass incarceration. With this vision as a guide, these faith leaders brought together the historic institutions they lead (Ebenezer Baptist Church, Auburn Theological Seminary and The Temple) to catalyze a national faith-based effort to end mass imprisonment. The convening of this multi-faith movement is focused upon the importance of leveraging the spiritual power, people power and resources of faith communities toward the effort to end mass incarceration.
A comprehensive 100+ page toolkit was designed and published for EMI to support a three-day event hosted in Atlanta. The publication served to help clergy, faith and community leaders, organizers, families, and persons impacted by incarceration to be equipped with practical tools to dismantle the systems and structures that undergird the industry of mass imprisonment.